
The Lucia Ride: A colourful tradition spreading Christmas Cheer in Gothenburg

Since 2010, the Lucia Ride has been a beacon of light in the winter darkness, a unique tradition where a procession of Santas and Lucia maidens on motorcycles rolls through Gothenburg to spread Christmas spirit and joy.

What began as a small event has grown into an annual celebration cherished by both riders and spectators. After a brief pause during its early years, the ride resumed in 2015 and gained new momentum when Nora Hesselroth took over in 2019.

“I took over because it’s such a beloved event,” Nora shares. “Both the riders and the onlookers adore it, and it would have been a shame if the tradition disappeared.”

The 2024 Lucia Ride began with a morning gathering hosted by Zoran Kostov at Z Motor & Trafik, where participants were invited for Christmas refreshments and mingling. The atmosphere was electric as everyone gathered around decorated motorcycles, discussed the day’s plan, and enjoyed the festive treats before the ride from Z Motor to Götaplatsen.

At Götaplatsen, the group was met by even more riders and an enthusiastic crowd.
“There’s something truly special about standing there, seeing all the decorated bikes and the cheerful people,” says one participant.

Around 12:30, approximately 200 motorcycles set off on a slow, festive procession through Gothenburg’s streets, with spectators of all ages waving and cheering along the route.

The Lucia Ride welcomes all types of vehicles – from sports bikes and cruisers to mopeds and e-scooters. “It’s truly a wonderful mix,” Nora says. For those without their own bike, there’s always the option to mingle, soak in the atmosphere, or join as a passenger.

Since Nora took over, the Lucia Ride has grown in popularity. What once attracted around 50 participants has now become an event with hundreds of riders. The record was set in 2020 with 270 motorcycles. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the event could proceed as everyone wore helmets and maintained social distancing according to the guidelines. The high turnout that year was likely due to people being tired of staying indoors. The only thing that can stop the procession is icy roads.

Anna Haglund

Anna Haglund